Students Submitting Transcripts from Previous Institutions


Please note:

  • College or University Transcripts
    • 电子成绩单必须直接从发证机构的电子安全服务(如羊皮纸)提交, National Student Clearinghouse or Credential Solutions.
    • 只有在原始机构密封的信封中交付时,才接受手持副本作为正式文件.
    • We do not accept faxed college or university transcripts as official.
  • High School Transcripts
    • 电子成绩单必须直接从高中提交到
    • 只有在高中的原始密封信封中交付时,才接受手持副本作为正式文件.
    • 我们接受传真的高中成绩单和高中的传真封面.

Institutions should mail transcripts to:

Kansas City Kansas Community College
Registrar’s Office
7250 State Avenue
Kansas City, Kansas 66112

Non-U.S. High School Transcripts

在美国以外的非美国大学就读高中或高中的网赌平台.S. 被认可的学校需要向招生办公室提交一份完整的国际高中毕业验证请求包.


To submit your international high school transcripts for verification:

  • 从上面的链接下载国际高中毕业验证申请表.
  • 阅读所有说明并完整填写国际高中毕业验证申请表.
    • Incomplete requests cannot be reviewed.
  • Gather your required, official high school or (upper) secondary school credentials; credentials not issued in English must be provided in the native language and be accompanied by an official English translation.
    • Required credentials vary by country.
    • “Official” credentials are the original, paper/hard-copy documents.
      • Copies, including but not limited to, photocopies, scans and images are not official and are not accepted.
    • 填写完整的国际高中毕业验证申请表, your official, original credentials and English translation, and submit your complete request packet in-person or via U.S. mail to the Admissions Office.

Transfer Credit

Enrolled, 在KCKCC完成一个学期的学位申请网赌平台符合要求,可以在KCKCC成绩单上显示转学学分和成绩.


  • 机构可以通过安全的程序(如羊皮纸或国家网赌平台信息中心)将官方成绩单以电子方式发送到网赌平台。. If an email address is used for the electronic transcript, please use:
  • Institutions should mail transcripts to:

    Kansas City Kansas Community College
    Registrar’s Office
    7250 State Avenue
    Kansas City, KS 66112
  • 网赌平台可以亲自提交成绩单,但成绩单必须装在授予机构密封的信封中.  They must bear the official seal of the other college. 复印件和传真件不接受作为正式的大学成绩单.

注册办公室将根据网赌平台感兴趣的领域评估成绩单,并且只会对适用于网赌平台学习计划或符合学位要求的课程授予转学分. 更改主修课程或学位计划的网赌平台可以要求注册办公室根据新的学习课程重新评估他们的成绩单.

All transfer credit will be equated to the semester hour system. 所有获得D级或以上的学分将被明确并计算在网赌平台的累积平均绩点(GPA)中。, as defined in the Grading System Policy 2.04. 质量分数和成绩分数将从其他学院和大学转移,并将平均纳入KCKCC累积GPA.

U.S Colleges and Universities

本科转学分将被认可的学院和大学接受, or hold candidacy status with, one of the six regional accrediting bodies listed below. Graduate level coursework will not be evaluated.

  • Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
  • 学校认证委员会-西部学校和学院协会
  • Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE)
  • New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE)
  • Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU)
  • Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)
  • or other institutions approved by KCKCC.

KCKCC遵循美国教育委员会(ACE)发布的博彩平台非认证机构转移的建议, including military and other training programs.

International Transfer Credit

Enrolled, 在KCKCC成功完成一个学期并在美国以外的学院或大学就读的攻读学位的网赌平台有资格将其国际学院/大学的学分和成绩转到KCKCC成绩单上. 有关国际转学分的具体信息,请点击下面的链接.


International Colleges and Universities


Applying for a Course-by-Course Evaluation

  • 查看国家证书评估服务协会(NACES)当前成员的网站,以了解他们的个人申请, documentation and fee requirements 
  • The list of current NACES members is available online at 
  • Costs/fees vary, typically ranging between $150.00 to $200.00 
  • Processing times vary, typically ranging between 7 to 10 business days; expedited processing is typically available for an additional fee 
  • Complete your selected agency’s application for a course-by-course evaluation, pay the evaluation fee, and submit all required documents.
  • Request that an official evaluation be sent directly to KCKCC at:

    Registrar’s Office
    Kansas City Kansas Community College
    7250 State Avenue
    Kansas City, Kansas 66112 
  • 仔细遵循您选择的评估机构网站上的所有申请说明
    • 你的证书可能需要直接从你的学院/大学提交
    • A Syllabus of university studies may be required in some cases.
    • 非英文证书可能需要提交官方英文翻译件.
    • 许多评估机构也提供额外收费的翻译服务
  • Contact the credential evaluation agency with all questions.
